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Women Rising: Four Truths to Embody on The Feminine Path to Sacred Wealth

Women Rising: Four Truths to Embody on The Feminine Path to Sacred Wealth by Marica Mariner | #AspireMag

Quite simply: 
The good news is: we CAN have it all and the only thing that holds us back from this truth is past conditioning.  This keeps us unconscious of our power, our worth and the value of our feminine superpowers. We are ready to embody all of our light and help other women to do the same. 
In my personal journey and in my work with women, there are four truths that I have identified as the “four pillars” we  must activate and embody if we are to blossom fully and thrive in all areas of our lives. 
As we rise up out of the collective wounding of the sacred feminine, we come to realize that: 

  1. We are Worthy: The trance of unworthiness needs to end.  The truth is that women are extremely valuable and blessed with sacred priceless gifts.  In addition, because of our powerful gifts, we are worthy to show up and serve the world in a much more expansive way. As we wake up to our worth, radical self-care and self-love practices become our new norm. Serving the world flows from an abundance of love within us as a result of putting our well-being FIRST. 
  2. We are Wisdom: We have superpowers that have been ignored, feared and devalued by the patriarchal culture.  As a result, many of us have denied, hid, or failed to acknowledge the value of our intuition, creativity, our powerful emotions, our sacred body temple, and our capacity to care for the whole.  
  3. We are Warriors of the Heart:  The sacred feminine in its very essence naturally leads with heart intelligence. Making the shift from a mind dominated to a heart-centered world is critical to our survival as a species. We are called to actively participate with a focused intention and fierceness to accelerate the planetary shift. 
  4. We are Worldly:  When we are activated in the three previous truths, we KNOW we are here to create a ripple effect that can have a massive impact on our world.  We stop hiding our light.  We commit to playing a bigger part in creating a world where everyone gets to thrive.  We step fully into service aligned with our unique gifts with humility and grace. We connect, collaborate and co create with other visionaries to support our common vision of birthing a more humane and sustainable world. 

If we are failing to thrive or if we get stuck, it can be traced to one of these four areas that we need to either activate or integrate more fully. Once we can identify where the gap is, we can develop a strategy to close the gap.  This way, we become unstoppable and empowered to achieve our dreams. 
While these truths must all be activated and embodied on the feminine path to self-mastery and sacred wealth, they are not linear. They are deeply interconnected and circular. For example, I might be currently activated in my desire to serve the world, which then calls me to cultivate more of my warrior energy or more of my worthiness.  
Sacred rituals have been and continue to be an essential practice to bring in higher energies and allow them to become integrated.   In order to fully inhabit these four truths of the sacred feminine, it is ideal to set aside a time every day to immerse ourselves in them more fully. Gathering in a safe supportive circle with other awakening visionary women amplifies this process. 
Here is a powerful practice to support you on your path to embodying these truths: 
Begin by finding a place of serenity and beauty.  Set aside all distractions.  Begin by consciously making the shift into the heart intelligence.  In order to do this, allow your eyes to close and place your hands on your heart.  Take several deep breaths in and out through your heart center.   
Once your mind is sufficiently still and open, imagine that you are standing inside a pyramid. A crystalline light is flowing down from the heavens enveloping you in its purity. Grounding yourself firmly in Mother Earth, slowly breath, connect with and proclaim these truths: 

“I AM Worthy” (Reflect upon a moment when you felt your worth and allow it to amplify.  If nothing comes, imagine what it would feel like to feel worthy and amplify it.   Continue to bathe in that feeling until you notice the vibration of that truth.  Even if you do not feel it, trust it IS activated.) 
“I AM Wisdom” (Women have superpowers that have been devalued by the patriarch.  It is time to stand and embody the truth of our exquisite intuition, creativity,  our deep capacity for emotion, our ability to know what we know without needing proof, and our ability to access the reality beyond the physical and know it to be real.) 
“I AM A Warrior of The Heart” (The return of the sacred feminine means reclaiming this essential truth.  The feminine path to self-mastery means we must advocate for ourselves, one another, fighting for freedom, equality justice, and prosperity for all.) 

Now imagine yourself ascending to the tip of the pyramid.  You are holding the world in your hands and reaching to the heavens.  You are ready to serve from your sacred gifts.  Now proclaim this fourth truth: 
“I AM Worldly” (I am conscious of my power to create a ripple effect around the world. I awaken to a bigger purpose. I am aware of the POWER of my sacred gifts. My heart is given over to being of service as I offer my gifts to a higher purpose.) 

As you make the transition out of this ritual, make the intention to focus your attention every day on these truths.  Become so familiar with them, that it becomes your new default.  Once this shift occurs, you are well on your way to full embodiment of your soul’s light.  This will empower you to achieve your dreams and make your unique contribution to our evolving world. 

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About the author 

Marcia Mariner

Marcia is a Divine Feminine Visionary leader, speaker and author empowering women to create transformation in their lives. Using her expertise from over 30 years experience as a licensed therapist, Marcia combines therapeutic coaching with the power of women’s circles to help women break free from their patriarchal conditioning, embrace their feminine gifts and wake up to their worth. By fully embodying their own beauty, and magnificence, Marcia believes women have the power to collectively shift the evolution of the world. Marcia invites you to download your From Blah to Blissful in 3 Simple Steps video today!

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